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Monthly Driver Safety Newsletter

Message From Brandi Brown, HSE & HR Manager
Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you honestly answer this age-old question has merit in the way you view your attitude and how you think. If you answer “half-empty,” you are most likely a pessimist, and being a pessimist can adversely affect your health. Studies have shown that pessimists (people with negative attitudes – doom and gloomers) are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, smoke, and/or live an unhealthy lifestyle. A Positive Outlook Can Save Your Life Positive thinkers, on the other hand, often have less stress (or at least deal with it far more effectively), sleep better, and are generally happier people. In fact, a positive person often enjoys a longer life, and most definitely, has a better quality of life. But…. if you are one who’s thoughts tend to run on the negative side, and your outlook on life isn’t all that rosy, you can LEARN to be more positive.